Thursday, September 10, 2009

Viaduct Bridge

"Viaduct Bridge", 18 x 18 inches, oil on canvas. This is another spot along the LA River, when I started this painting, I considered adding all of the graffiti that was on the bridge... it had quite a bit. But I liked it better in this "cleaned up" version.


william wray said...
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william wray said...

Why a duck? I can never get these bridges right, to much hard stuff to draw or something.

tonypetersart said...

Repeating shapes like arches and support columns in perspective are challenging, easy to mess up. I guess I've just done a million of them over the years. It takes the same precision to do proper lettering in a painting too.

And to think... I HATED those classes at Art Center (perspective and letterform).

Eric Merrell said...

Hey Tony we should go paint there on location - could hire my friend George to be bodyguard.

Looks great, always like these bridge pieces -

tonypetersart said...

Hey Eric,

I'm up to painting around the LA River, hopefully we won't get mugged or thrown out by railroad security :-)

I'll be painting quite a few new bridge pieces, I've currently got some in the works.

Cafe Observer said...

Just pay off security. Whatever u give em is probably more than they get anyway.

This is just sharp & clean. I wish you could use the Peters Method to clean up all our graffiti!

tonypetersart said...

Hey Cafe Observer,

In all of my adventures on "Photo Safari" around the country, I rarely have an occasion without a run-in with security guards. They are creativity's arch-nemesis!

Hattermad said...

You still conveyed something "unclean" in there...with the paint handling under that arch, one gets the idea of it not being pristine.

The library/reading pic looks exciting, esp. the shadow work you have going on in it...

tonypetersart said...

Thanks Hattermad, much appreciated!