Tuesday, April 25, 2006


"Bridge Over Rail" is a new piece, 24x36 inches. This is a variation of the earthy pallette, but with a purple-ish gray sky. Very thinly painted for me.

A few months ago, I dragged Bill Wray out to the train yards in the rain so we could get some photos. I wouldn't dare to attempt any alla-prima painting on location here. I needed Bill to come along to watch my back, so I wouldn't get rolled by any of the trolls or crack-addicts living under these bridges.


Jesse said...

It's good to know ya'll are risking troll attacks for your art!

tonypetersart said...

Trolls, rain, crack-addicts... what next? One time we were looking for a painting spot when we had a fat mexican man wearing a mini skirt and a tube-top try to solicit us. Bill let him know that wasn't the kind of fun we were looking for.

Jesse said...

Bill is a multi-talented fellow apparently.

william wray said...

I always more worried more about the cops than the freaks.