Thursday, August 09, 2007


This new oil on canvas is called, "Westlake", and it is 12 x 16 inches. Westlake is an area just west of downtown Los Angeles, along Wilshire Boulevard. Once upon a time, this was one of the most fashionable ares to live in LA. And even though the area has lost it's upscale residents, it hasn't lost it's obvious beauty. I think that the contemporary architecture of the LA skyline is best viewed from afar, I really like how the hazy atmosphere seems to naturally mass the shapes of the buildings. Almost like Sam Hyde Harris' paintings of early California with his hazy mountains and trees in the distance.


A Reason to Paint said...

Yes that is what attracted my attention, the hazy buildings along the skyline - beautifully captured!

Anonymous said...

Great painting. I like the water and the hazy background. There's a very calming effect when viewing this painting.

BoneDaddy said...

You have to enlarge the picture to get the full effect of the atmospheric perspective. Very cool!

william wray said...

Loosening up! Keep going! I like!

Mike Manley said...

Hey Tony, I really like this one a lot, solid composition/palette and I like the lose quality too.

tonypetersart said...

Thanks a.r.t.p., glad you like it. I just got back from another LA trip, the "haze" was quite thick. Got some more ideas for simialr works.

tonypetersart said...

Hi AJ, there's something about water that can bring a calming, spiritual quality to a painting. I'll be doing more of it soon, it really pushed me to abstract the shapes and lay down some heavy paint.

tonypetersart said...

Hey BG, I'm glad to know that people actually do click to enlarge the images! They're always better, and I really slave over the surface quality of my work, whatever my stylistic approach. THANKS!

tonypetersart said...

Thanks Bill... loose while maintaining bold control (hope I'm improving). I'm always having to tell myself to mix more color so I can lay down more paint. It's easy to get lazy and just spread out the color because it's the right mixture.

tonypetersart said...

Hi Mike, thanks for stopping by! The palette is quite limited, I'm trying to remember to keep things simple.

Anonymous said...

Really marvelous...

Thank you very much...

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